Futuristic Schooling

Economics (318) For Senior Secondary XIIth(12th)​

Syllabus Economics Senior Secondary NIOS

Syllabus In English Medium


Core Modules

The Economy

1.                Economy and Its Processes

2.                Basic Problems of an Economy

3.                Economic Development and Indian Economy

Statistical Data And Methods

1.                Statistics: Meaning and Scope

2.                Making Statistical Data Meaningful

3.                Presentation of Statistical Data

4.                Statistical Methods

5.                Index Numbers: Meaning and Its Construction

6.                Index Numbers: Problems and Uses

National Income

1.                Income Flows

2.                National Income: Concepts

3.                National Income: Measurement

4.                Uses of National Income Estimates

Micro Economics

1.                What Micro Economics is all about

2.                What Affects Demand

3.                What Affects Supply

4.                Price Determination

5.                Cost

6.                Revenue

Government Budgeting And Economic Planning

1.                Profit Maximisation

2.                Government Budgeting

3.                Money Supply and Its Regulation

4.                Need for Planning in India

5.                Achievements of Planning in India

6.                Recent Economic Reforms and the Role of Planning

Student Assignment

·                 Students Assignment-1

·                 Students Assignment-2

·                 Students Assignment-3

Optional Modules

(You have to choose any one module)

Agriculture And Industry

1.                Agriculture

2.                Industry

3.                Interdependence of Agriculture and Industry

4.                Transport and Communication

5.                Energy

6.                Financial institutions

7.                Social Infrastructure: Housing, Health and Education

Foreign Trade And Population

1.                Direction and Composition of India’s Foreign Trade

2.                Foreign Exchange Rate

3.                Balance of Trade and Balance of payments

4.                Inflow of Capital: Foreign Capital and Foreign Aid

5.                New Trade Policy and Its Implications

6.                Population and Economic Development

7.                Population of India: Structure, Problems and Measures

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