Futuristic Schooling

Accountancy (320)


Material in PDF – EnglishMaterial in PDF -HindiVideoAudioTMALearner’s Guide EnglishLearner’s Guide HindiWorksheet HindiWorksheet English
1. Accounting – An IntroductionPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson 1 Part 1 Accounting – An IntroductionYouTube FileYouTube FileWorksheet 1
Lesson 1 Part 2 Accounting TermsYouTube FileYouTube File
2. Accounting ConceptsPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson 2 Accounting ConceptsYouTube FileYouTube FileWorksheet 2
3. Accounting Conventions and StandardsPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson 3 Accounting ConventionsYouTube FileYouTube FileWorksheet 3
4. Accounting for Business TransactionsPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson 4 Accounting for Business Transactions Part 1YouTube FileYouTube File
Lesson 4 Accounting for Business Transactions Part 2 Rules of AccountingYouTube FileYouTube File
Lesson 4 Accounting for Business Transactions Part 3 Accounting EquationYouTube FileYouTube File
5. JournalPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson 5 JournalYouTube FileYouTube File
6. LedgerPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
7. Cash BookPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson 7 Cash Book Part 2YouTube FileYouTube File
8. Special Purpose BooksPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson 8 Special Purpose Books Part 1YouTube FileYouTube File
Lesson 8 Special Purpose Books Part 2YouTube FileYouTube File
9. Trial BalancePDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
10. Bank Reconciliation StatementPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
11. Bills of ExchangePDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
12. Errors and their RectificationPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson- 12 Errors and their rectificationYouTube FileYouTube File
13. Computer and Computerised Accounting SystemPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson -13 computer and computerised accounting systemYouTube FileYouTube File
14. DepreciationPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson 14 Depreciation Part 1YouTube FileYouTube File
Lesson 14 Depreciation Part 2YouTube FileYouTube File
15. Provision and ReservesPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
16. Financial Statements – An IntroductionPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
17. Financial Statements – IPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson -17 financial statement analysis part 1YouTube FileYouTube File
18. Financial Statements IIPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson 18 Financial Statement Part 2YouTube FileYouTube File
19. Not for Profit Organisations – An IntroductionPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
20. Financial Statements (Not for Profit Organisations)PDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
21. Accounts From Incomplete RecordsPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
22. Partnership – An IntroductionPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
23. Admission of a PartnerPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
24. Retirement and Death of a PartnerPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
25. Dissolution of a partnership firmPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
26. Company – An IntroductionPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
27. Issue of SharesPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
28. Forfeiture of SharesPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
29. Reissue of Forfeited SharesPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new windowLesson – 29 : Reissue of forfeited SharesYouTube FileYouTube File
30. Issue of DebenturesPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
31. Financial Statements Analysis-An IntroductionPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
32. Accounting Ratios-IPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
33. Accounting Ratios-IIPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
34. Cash Flow StatementPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
35. Electronic Spread SheetPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
36. Use of Spread-sheet in Business ApplicationPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
37. Graphs and Charts for BusinessPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
38. Database Management System for AccountingPDF FilePDF File Opens in a new windowOpens in a new window
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